Sunday, 26 January 2025

Apply Migration and DB schema if not exist while run local

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
      if (env.IsDevelopment())

          // Ensure the database is created and apply migrations if it is empty
          using (var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope())
              var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<DbContext>();

              // Retrieve the IRelationalDatabaseCreator service from the service provider
              var databaseCreator = dbContext.Database

              // Check if the database exists, and create it if it doesn't
              // Create the database If SQL server is local.Otherwise don't apply migration and database creation
              if (!databaseCreator.Exists())
                  // Check if the database has any tables
                  if (!databaseCreator.HasTables())
                  }// Apply all migrations

Monday, 13 January 2025

EF Core 9 Generate Code First from Existing DB

1.Install EF Core, EF core Design, EF sql server using nuget packages.

2. Open package manger console 

3. Select the project where need to place entity and DbContext

4.Run below comments with modified inputs which is highlighted.

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server={Server};Database={DBname};User Id={db user name};Password={PWD};Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --output-dir DbEntity --context-dir DbContext --context CoreDbContext --use-database-names --force --project D:/Source_vs2022/Core.Data/Core.Data.csproj

5. Now we can see Db context and db entity

6.Migrate to Full Code-First

If you want to start using migrations with the generated context execute below in same package mager console.

  1. Add migrations:
    dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project Core.Data
  2. Update the database:
    dotnet ef database update --project Core.Data --verbose
Where :
  • InitialCreate is migration name
  • Core.Data is project name which contains EF.
  • In case any other error occurs like missing OnConfigure then add below code in DBContext file.
  • after migration generated remove it below code due to security reason.

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
    if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
        optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server={DB-Server};Initial Catalog={DB};User ID={UserName};Password={PWD};");

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Azure Cloud Services

Public cloud

Services are offered over the public internet and available to anyone who wants to purchase them. Cloud resources, such as servers and storage, are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider, and delivered over the internet.

Private cloud

A private cloud consists of computing resources used exclusively by users from one business or organization. A private cloud can be physically located at your organization's on-site (on-premises) datacenter, or it can be hosted by a third-party service provider.

Hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud is a computing environment that combines a public cloud and a private cloud by allowing data and applications to be shared between them.

Public cloud Private cloud Hybrid cloud
No capital expenditures to scale up.
Applications can be quickly provisioned and deprovisioned.
Organizations pay only for what they use.
Hardware must be purchased for start-up and maintenance.
Organizations have complete control over resources and security.
Organizations are responsible for hardware maintenance and updates.
Provides the most flexibility.
Organizations determine where to run their applications.
Organizations control security, compliance, or legal requirements.

cloud service models
IaaS: Infrastructure-as-a-Service

This cloud service model is the closest to managing physical servers; a cloud provider will keep the hardware up-to-date, but operating system maintenance and network configuration is up to you as the cloud tenant.
For example, Azure virtual machines are fully operational virtual compute devices running in Microsoft datacenters. An advantage of this cloud service model is rapid deployment of new compute devices. Setting up a new virtual machine is considerably faster than procuring, installing, and configuring a physical server.
The most flexible cloud service. You configure and manage the hardware for your application.

PaaS: Platform-as-a-Service

This cloud service model is a managed hosting environment. The cloud provider manages the virtual machines and networking resources, and the cloud tenant deploys their applications into the managed hosting environment.
For example, Azure App Services provides a managed hosting environment where developers can upload their web applications, without having to worry about the physical hardware and software requirements.
Focus on application development. Platform management is handled by the cloud provider.

SaaS: Software-as-a-Service

In this cloud service model, the cloud provider manages all aspects of the application environment, such as virtual machines, networking resources, data storage, and applications. The cloud tenant only needs to provide their data to the application managed by the cloud provider.
For example, Microsoft Office 365 provides a fully working version of Microsoft Office that runs in the cloud. All you need to do is create your content, and Office 365 takes care of everything else.
Pay-as-you-go pricing model. Users pay for the software they use on a subscription model.

Cloud service model comparison

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Each table wise total records in sql

To retrieve the total number of records (rows) for each table in a SQL Server database, you can use the sys.tables and sys.dm_db_partition_stats views. Here's a query to accomplish this:

Query to Get Row Counts for All Tables

SELECT AS TableName,
    SUM(p.rows) AS TotalRecords
    sys.tables t
    sys.partitions p ON t.object_id = p.object_id
    p.index_id IN (0, 1) -- 0 = Heap, 1 = Clustered index
    TotalRecords DESC;

Explanation of Query:

  1. sys.tables: Contains information about all tables in the database.
  2. sys.partitions: Provides information about partitions of tables and indexes. The rows column contains the number of rows for each partition.
  3. index_id IN (0, 1): Ensures you count rows only for heap (no clustered index) or clustered index partitions.

Sample Output:

TableName TotalRecords
Customers 1200
Orders 450
Products 150

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Types of publish dotnet core

Publish the app as a framework-dependent deployment

 dotnet publish -c Release -o publish-fd

In the preceding command:

  • -c Release specifies that the app should be built in release mode. This optimizes the app for performance.
  • -o specifies the name of the output directory. In this case, the output directory will be named publish-fd.

This command publishes the app as a framework-dependent deployment to the publish-fd directory.

Publish for self-contained deployment

Self-contained deployments include the app and its dependencies, as well as the .NET runtime. Since the .NET runtime is included with the app, the target machine doesn't need to have the .NET runtime installed in order to run the app. This makes self-contained deployments larger than framework-dependent deployments. Self-contained apps must also handle deploying .NET runtime updates to receive the latest patches.

publish the app as a self-contained deployment for 64-bit Windows:

dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 -o publish-scd-win64 --self-contained

In the previous command:

  • -c Release specifies that the app should be built in release mode. This optimizes the app for performance.
  • -r win-x64 specifies that the app should be published for 64-bit Windows. win-x64 is the runtime identifier (RID) for 64-bit Windows, so the app is published as a self-contained deployment for 64-bit Windows.
  • -o publish-scd-win64 specifies the output directory for the published app.
  • --self-contained specifies that the app should be published as a self-contained deployment.

publish the app as a self-contained deployment for 64-bit Linux:

dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o publish-scd-linux64 --self-contained

This time, the -r linux-x64 option specifies that the app should be published for 64-bit Linux.